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healing. Am J Surg. 2006 Feb;191(2):165-72. 7 → Herzog T, Chromik AM, Uhl W. Treatment of complicated intra-abdominalinfections in the era of multi-drug resistant bacteria. Eur J Med Res. 2010 Nov;15(12):525-32. 8 → Jensen RO, Buchbjerg T, Simonsen RM, Eckardt R, Qvist N. Vacuum-Assisted Abdominal Closure Is Safe and Effective: A Cohort Study in 74 Consecutive Patients. Surg Res Pract. 2017;2017:7845963. 9 → Kafka-Ritsch R, Birkfellner F, Perathoner A, Raab H, Nehoda H, Pratschke J, Zitt M. Damage Control Surgery With Abdominal Vacuum and Delayed Bowel Reconstruction in Patients With Perforated Diverticulitis Hinchey III/IV. J Gastrointest Surg. 2012 Oct;16(10):1915-22. 10 → Kirkpatrick AW, Coccolini F, Ansaloni L, Roberts DJ, Tolonen M, McKee JL, Leppaniemi A, Faris P, Doig CJ, Catena F, Fabian T, Jenne CN, Chiara O, Kubes P, Manns B, Kluger Y, Fraga GP, Pereira BM, Diaz JJ, Sugrue M, Moore EE, Ren J, Ball CG, Coimbra R, Balogh ZJ, Abu-Zidan FM, Dixon E, Biffl W, MacLean A, Ball I, Drover J, McBeth PB, Posadas-Calleja JG, Parry NG, Di Saverio S, Ordonez CA, Xiao J, Sartelli M; Closed Or Open after Laparotomy (COOL) after Source Control for Severe Complicated Intra-Abdominal Sepsis Investigators. Closed Or Open after Source Control Laparotomy for Severe Complicated Intra-Abdominal Sepsis (the COOL trial): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. World J Emerg Surg. 2018 Jun;13:26. 11 → Kritayakirana K, M Maggio P, Brundage S, Purtill
healing. Am J Surg. 2006 Feb;191(2):165-72. 7 → Herzog T, Chromik AM, Uhl W. Treatment of complicated intra-abdominalinfections in the era of multi-drug resistant bacteria. Eur J Med Res. 2010 Nov;15(12):525-32. 8 → Jensen RO, Buchbjerg T, Simonsen RM, Eckardt R, Qvist N. Vacuum-Assisted Abdominal Closure Is Safe and Effective: A Cohort Study in 74 Consecutive Patients. Surg Res Pract. 2017;2017:7845963. 9 → Kafka-Ritsch R, Birkfellner F, Perathoner A, Raab H, Nehoda H, Pratschke J, Zitt M. Damage Control Surgery With Abdominal Vacuum and Delayed Bowel Reconstruction in Patients With Perforated Diverticulitis Hinchey III/IV. J Gastrointest Surg. 2012 Oct;16(10):1915-22. 10 → Kirkpatrick AW, Coccolini F, Ansaloni L, Roberts DJ, Tolonen M, McKee JL, Leppaniemi A, Faris P, Doig CJ, Catena F, Fabian T, Jenne CN, Chiara O, Kubes P, Manns B, Kluger Y, Fraga GP, Pereira BM, Diaz JJ, Sugrue M, Moore EE, Ren J, Ball CG, Coimbra R, Balogh ZJ, Abu-Zidan FM, Dixon E, Biffl W, MacLean A, Ball I, Drover J, McBeth PB, Posadas-Calleja JG, Parry NG, Di Saverio S, Ordonez CA, Xiao J, Sartelli M; Closed Or Open after Laparotomy (COOL) after Source Control for Severe Complicated Intra-Abdominal Sepsis Investigators. Closed Or Open after Source Control Laparotomy for Severe Complicated Intra-Abdominal Sepsis (the COOL trial): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. World J Emerg Surg. 2018 Jun;13:26. 11 → Kritayakirana K, M Maggio P, Brundage S, Purtill
healing. Am J Surg. 2006 Feb;191(2):165-72. 7 → Herzog T, Chromik AM, Uhl W. Treatment of complicated intra-abdominalinfections in the era of multi-drug resistant bacteria. Eur J Med Res. 2010 Nov;15(12):525-32. 8 → Jensen RO, Buchbjerg T, Simonsen RM, Eckardt R, Qvist N. Vacuum-Assisted Abdominal Closure Is Safe and Effective: A Cohort Study in 74 Consecutive Patients. Surg Res Pract. 2017;2017:7845963. 9 → Kafka-Ritsch R, Birkfellner F, Perathoner A, Raab H, Nehoda H, Pratschke J, Zitt M. Damage Control Surgery With Abdominal Vacuum and Delayed Bowel Reconstruction in Patients With Perforated Diverticulitis Hinchey III/IV. J Gastrointest Surg. 2012 Oct;16(10):1915-22. 10 → Kirkpatrick AW, Coccolini F, Ansaloni L, Roberts DJ, Tolonen M, McKee JL, Leppaniemi A, Faris P, Doig CJ, Catena F, Fabian T, Jenne CN, Chiara O, Kubes P, Manns B, Kluger Y, Fraga GP, Pereira BM, Diaz JJ, Sugrue M, Moore EE, Ren J, Ball CG, Coimbra R, Balogh ZJ, Abu-Zidan FM, Dixon E, Biffl W, MacLean A, Ball I, Drover J, McBeth PB, Posadas-Calleja JG, Parry NG, Di Saverio S, Ordonez CA, Xiao J, Sartelli M; Closed Or Open after Laparotomy (COOL) after Source Control for Severe Complicated Intra-Abdominal Sepsis Investigators. Closed Or Open after Source Control Laparotomy for Severe Complicated Intra-Abdominal Sepsis (the COOL trial): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. World J Emerg Surg. 2018 Jun;13:26. 11 → Kritayakirana K, M Maggio P, Brundage S, Purtill
healing. Am J Surg. 2006 Feb;191(2):165-72. 7 → Herzog T, Chromik AM, Uhl W. Treatment of complicated intra-abdominalinfections in the era of multi-drug resistant bacteria. Eur J Med Res. 2010 Nov;15(12):525-32. 8 → Jensen RO, Buchbjerg T, Simonsen RM, Eckardt R, Qvist N. Vacuum-Assisted Abdominal Closure Is Safe and Effective: A Cohort Study in 74 Consecutive Patients. Surg Res Pract. 2017;2017:7845963. 9 → Kafka-Ritsch R, Birkfellner F, Perathoner A, Raab H, Nehoda H, Pratschke J, Zitt M. Damage Control Surgery With Abdominal Vacuum and Delayed Bowel Reconstruction in Patients With Perforated Diverticulitis Hinchey III/IV. J Gastrointest Surg. 2012 Oct;16(10):1915-22. 10 → Kirkpatrick AW, Coccolini F, Ansaloni L, Roberts DJ, Tolonen M, McKee JL, Leppaniemi A, Faris P, Doig CJ, Catena F, Fabian T, Jenne CN, Chiara O, Kubes P, Manns B, Kluger Y, Fraga GP, Pereira BM, Diaz JJ, Sugrue M, Moore EE, Ren J, Ball CG, Coimbra R, Balogh ZJ, Abu-Zidan FM, Dixon E, Biffl W, MacLean A, Ball I, Drover J, McBeth PB, Posadas-Calleja JG, Parry NG, Di Saverio S, Ordonez CA, Xiao J, Sartelli M; Closed Or Open after Laparotomy (COOL) after Source Control for Severe Complicated Intra-Abdominal Sepsis Investigators. Closed Or Open after Source Control Laparotomy for Severe Complicated Intra-Abdominal Sepsis (the COOL trial): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. World J Emerg Surg. 2018 Jun;13:26. 11 → Kritayakirana K, M Maggio P, Brundage S, Purtill